Here are a couple of gotchas I've been experiencing:
iPod Time
This guy requires a kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter sitting infront of it in order to work, eg.
Audio File Player -> Format Converter -> iPod Time -> Output
Don't know why, since I didn't have to actually convert the signal in any way. I got a run-time error when I initialized the graph without the converter .
Vari Speed
This one has a default output kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat of 8.24-bit little-endian signed integer. Since the other AUs default to 32-bit little-endian float, the output is highly distorted. Setting the VariSpeed's format to the others' default solves this. In my case I used the output format of the Audio File Player.
SvarSletCould you share any working sample code of an AUGraph that has Varispeed in it? I'm struggling to make it work due to the lack of documentation.
Hi Márton,
SvarSletSure! It's for a project on github. The AUGraph is configured in this file:
In the lines 146-148, I set the input format of the VariSpeed to the output format of the FilePlayer.
Oh, btw, it's the _output_ format of the VariSpeed that needs to match the output format of the FilePlayer (and the whole AUGraph in general).
SletMan, you have no idea how helpful this is!
SvarSletThanks a lot! I'll let you know what I made out of it when it is ready!
Glad to help! :-)